The Father says today, forgive, release and bless no matter what. No matter how deeply you have been wounded or how egregiously you have been wronged, it is imperative that you let all that go. You cannot move forward toward what I have promised until you jettison all the baggage of the offenses of the past. Offense and refusal to let such things be healed will only hinder and delay the opening of the heavens in your life. Offenses and wounds immunize you from My promise. When forgiveness – true heartfelt forgiveness is unrealized, you become imprisoned behind the bars of every bitter memory and your only sustenance will be the moldy bread of yesterday’s disappointments and the bitter waters of Meribah where the bones of the unbelieving lie bleaching in the sun to this day.
Say in your heart, says the Father, “I am not a victim.” Whether you feel the authenticity of it or not, say within yourself, “I forgive. I release. I bless;” and then name every person whose wrongful conduct toward you preoccupies your thoughts. Unforgiveness is like a poisonous plant that will spread its venom throughout the fertile ground of your heart until there is no more room for My promise. That is not your portion beloved. It is time to weed the garden. It is time to root out the unregenerate and polluted growths of past disappointment, wounding, pain and resentment. Bring them to the Cross. Release them to Me. Shake yourself loose and move on. It is moving on time now. The promise – the bright promise of My goodness awaits you on the first footfall you take out of the past and into what is ahead for you in My kingdom.