The Father says today, do you love Me? If you love Me, you will obey Me. I have given you the power to obey Me. The power of love is released within you and gives you the strengthening grace to follow My plan. Do you trust Me? If you trust Me, you will listen to My voice and pay attention to My leading. Hear what I am speaking to you in this hour, and I will empower you with ability and willingness to comply. Those who know My word and trust Me through a yielded act of their will shall reap the abundance of blessings of the rewards of obedience.
For I am heaping upon My obedient ones all the benefits afforded by heaven to those who are surrendered to My word and act upon it. These shall have the key roles in My purposes in this hour. These shall know long life and length of days. These are the ones who shall stand in awe and reverence before Me, and no wrong shall be found on their lips. These are the ones who walk in peace and uprightness and have learned that obedience is better than sacrifice. These are the ones who will speak My wisdom upon the earth and gain the attention of heaven and turn many from iniquity, says the Father.