The Father says today, do you love Me? If you love Me, you will obey Me. I have given you the power to obey Me. The power of love is released within you and gives you the strengthening grace to follow My plan. Do you trust Me? If
Read more →I want you to steady your ship and stay on course. Storms and winds are part of this life. Problems and difficulties are sure to come from time to time. Are you ready for them or are you skipping along unprepared? My Word prepares you for anything and
Read more →Meet the The Breath of Yah, The Ruach Hohadesh, The Holy Spirit, who can do it all. He is the Spirit of Yehueh. He has limitless power and wisdom, yet He willingly comes to live inside any person who believes in Yehshua/ Jesus Christ. And that means
Read more →The Father says today, I am increasing the intensity of the sound of My voice upon the earth. My sound shall resonate as the echo of the peals of the bells ringing in heaven that are being sounded upon the earth. There is a new sound being released and
Read more →I was going over lessons that I had from years ago and reminiscing over lessons from years ago and I thought I’d share on here as I believe it’s even more relevant among Believers today as it was 14 yrs ago when I was teaching my little
Read more →The Father says today, give yourself over to My love today. Be renewed in your capacity to actually feel My love and experience it as a measurement of what your day looks like. There are those that are past feeling who are full of skepticism and mockery.
Read more →Yehshua bore our shame that we might share His glory. Looking unto Yehshua, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the stake, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of
Read more →The Father says today, I am sheltering you. I am your shelter. I have drawn Myself over you as a canopy of grace to shield you from the consequences of your choices and the choices of others. You don’t do everything perfect, says the Father, and I
Read more →There are 3 Distinct Categories of Days Torah observers very astutely (and correctly) say that when the words Commandments, Statutes, and Judgments appear in the same passage of Scripture that they cannot be referring to the same thing. These are the three separate divisions in Yehueh’s codified
Read more →The Father says today, you are bought with a price. You are precious in My sight. No longer are you to immerse yourself in crippling and profound self-doubt. There is no reason for doubt. No reason to doubt Me, and no reason to doubt yourself because I
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