Love and Humility

What I love most about David was his love for Yehueh. What was it about David that Yehueh would describe him as “a man after Yah’s own heart?” I believe it was his love and willingness to humble himself before Yehueh.. Even though David sinned; even though

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What Yehueh Is Saying Today..

February 26, 2021.  There is a saying in the world that tells us if you want to prosper you are to, “Get what you can, and can what you get then sit on the lid for yourself.” This is NOT My way. My kingdom is upside down

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What Yehueh Is Saying Today..

Shabbat Shalom!! “ “Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.”    These days, many people do not pay attention to what lessons should be learned while fellowshipping or serving with others. Most stick to thier own

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