In Deuteronomy chapters 27- 30.. Yehueh speaks and says, by no means will I wipe away the guilty, they will be punished and if you fail to do the Words in this book, these curses will come upon you. (Deut 28:45-48;58;59)… It goes on to saying that He will visit the iniquities upon the children of those who hate Him to the third and fourth generation but have mercy on those who love Him throughout their generations..     

When we sin we only repent and confess our SINS. We make no mention of the transgression; which HE is Very specific about throughout.. and we make no mention of the Iniquity. The Spirit of Yah spoke to me when I was praying and asking for the fullness of HIM, “how can I fill you with My fullness when you have not been fully cleansed, by which my Son has done for you?”

Baffled… that’s what got me started into this digging for answers as He lead..

When we repent and we ask for forgiveness of our sin and we confess our sins and He is faithful and just to forgive.. we also need to repent for transgressions, the transgression is the act of that sin… we also need to ask Him to forgive us of our iniquities, the iniquity is the wickedness even being in our heart.. (its the beginning of the domino effect)
We need to pray Like this example~ 
Father in the name of Yehshua, forgive me of all my sins, those unknown and known, (go through what I know I’ve done myself repent for them) forgive me Father, of my transgressions, for the act of doing these sins which I know I have done, wipe away my Iniquity, and Father if any curses are due to me for the sins that I’ve committed today,  I ask that you have mercy in Yehshua’s name.. I claim the sacrifice Messiah made for me on the stake, how He became a cursed so that I might receive your blessings. Create in me a clean heart, with a renewed Spirit, one that steadfast and pleasing in your sight, in Yehshua’s name I pray..

*David gives us an example of that prayer in Psalms 51:1.

The iniquity is a heart condition it.. it’s the Taproot that goes all the way down throughout your family generations of rebellion, idols, paganism, etc.. any and all sin that your fire Father’s did if they failed to repent.. we as Believers are to pray in Yehshua’s name and revoke those curses and claim Messiah’s sacrifice over our life. (Email and Ask about deliverance prayers if you’re not aware)

So  –  sin, transgression, iniquity. Those are three specific yet different sins against Abba or can be done against others. I had no idea that they were so different yet on the stake when He was crucified, it only mentioned sin and transgression.. iniquities was never mentioned. But then it gives us a hint of what the Messiah on the stake actually did in Galatians 3:13-16.. “cursed is the man who hangs on a tree” The iniquity is what He took when He hung on that tree. The iniquity within our life is what brings on the curse.
Remember back in Leviticus 26 and in Deuteronomy 11, where it speaks of the blessings in the cursings. “If you do this you’ll receive a blessing if you break this you’ll receive this curse” His word is true; it is never failing and it will accomplish whatever HE speaks… I’m getting to my point  – Without getting into multiplicities of verses.. ( PLEASE do your own studies and follow up on this bc in Matthew 7:21-23; Revelation 2:1-5; Philippians 3:7-11 – Not everyone who says, “Master, Master will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, .. but I will declare to them, I never knew you; depart from Me you workers of iniquity.”)

Messiah was crucified Isaiah 53:5.. He was wounded for our transgressions, He was crushed for our wickedness [our sin, our injustice, our wrongdoing]; HE hung on the stake/Cross and became a cursed so that we might receive the blessings!

The fact of the matter is, it’s not being taught!! I’m not saying this is a “New” concept – that He’s never shown anyone.. I’m just saying it’s not been taught… so it’s not something that everyone mentions in daily prayers, which we should be doing!
This unrepentant sins IS a back door that the enemy comes through and causes – chaos and sicknesses – and has rights to be in our life because we’re only repenting for the bloom of Sin and not for the STEM or the ROOTS that we’ve created ourselves! We may have uprooted that Taproot through deliverance.. BUT just under the surface, there are still roots there from what we acquire daily!  We have to rip that root out, daily and the stem and bloom will come with it! This will completely annul; cut out, any back door for the enemy to get in and cause chaos in your life! There is so much more that the Spirit of Yah is teaching me as a part of those cursings and how you can actually tell where and what back door is open… as far as your health, your financial, or your family…So I’m still learning more depths to this.
To understand this for myself and my own family, it was a completely eye-opening ordeal! There has been dramatic and almost instant change in my own life as well as my family in many different areas, as well as other Believers that have experienced New Found Freedom and Chains of bondage dropping off! Those  who were under bondage for years and decades! All because of Yehshua Messiah’s NAME and what He did for us before the Stake, During it, and after! HalleluYeh!!

IT’S became a normal thing when somebody says, “oh that sickness it’s from your family that’s something that’s hereditary you get it from your family line” so now the doctors will make you go through to see what kind of sickness that your family had before you to find out if you’re going to get it or not! And we accept that as it’s a normal thing! And we receive what they say as truth!! But yet we doubt Yehueh’s Word when He gave freedom from those bondages and not taking in the fullness of what has been given for free – But it’s not supposed to be that way! ABBA has shown this in His word and we know that it’s true!

If we break these Laws/Commandments of Yehueh, we’re to repent of them in those three different categories!! In doing so, we will stop the curses and the evil one from coming in!
 My husband’s mother has something going on with her throat where it will close tightly and they cannot eat nor can they drink anything and it is said to be in a hereditary thing that they have to go in with some scissor-like things to stretch the throat back out so that they can eat and drink. My husband’s throat was still trying to close up on different occasions. And over a short period of time, while learning to understand why it was happening, we started repenting for transgressions and iniquities as well as our sin, my husband’s throat healed!! There has not been any problems at all! Fast forward to now my friend and elder sister in the faith that goes to our assembly had the same problem a few weeks ago. She has went to the doctor they told her that she was going to have to be in in outpatient and need surgery that this was the only way to get it done she called us wanting prayer.. After sharing with her my studies, I said sister you’ve got to get off the phone with me go get on your face and repent for those transgressions and for those iniquities because through iniquities curses come in.. we all break the Law/Commands daily, and we all need to be doing this, it’s how the enemies getting in causing these sicknesses! We’ve got to shut that back door! She was so filled with the Spirit while on the phone with me she got off she called me two days later and told me that the first time in a week she was able to eat bread and drink without it having to be baby food and choke it down!!!
I knew that as soon as that these things were repented of, that the Father would bring healing!!  Yehueh says in Jeremiah 30:17, He said ,”I will restore your health and I will heal your wounds and I will bring back this Joy of your salvation!”This was in response to what the Messiah was going to do for us! I hope that I have made this understandable
This is such an amazing teaching and we all need it so badly because it’s not being taught in our Gatherings, Churches, or Assemblies!! Our very health and prosperity and joy actually depends upon it, because we can’t have the fullness of our Father nor the fullness of His blessings while we’re still under a curse, bc of our Transgressions and Iniquities that we bring upon ourselves! 

Praise Abba that He gave us a daily sacrifice that we can cling to not only for our forgiveness but for the blessings!!

** Worth mentioning again!

Those curses that keep connected to us – that’s what we break off when we go through and command all those things to be broken off of us in the name of Yehshua.. those generational curses that try to follow us. Then you have all the the roots that are right under the surface those roots of iniquity is our own hatred, bitterness, envy, strife, contention, murmuring, complaining, needless to say the music that we choose to listen to at some points and time in our life a cult activities that we had happen to be a part of things that we’ve opened ourselves up to you know it’s numerous without going through them all but you get the idea..
Now the stem that comes up from that root that’s the transgression so the roots feed the transgression which is the action and then according to the action that we do we are in full bloom sin which is the bloom and we repent not only for that bloom but we have to repent for that stem and we have to repent for that root and because of that root of iniquity it brings curses into our life … Father shows that when we break off curses from our generations – – but yet WE STILL BREAK HIS LAWS/COMMANDS DAILY!! YEHUEH HAS offered mercy and HAS offered forgiveness – BUT YOU ARE ONLY ASKING FOR FORGIVENESS FOR SIN (BLOOM)… You’ve not asked forgiveness for that stem nor that root that you yourself have acquired. So even though HE HAS wiped away the bloom and we asked for forgiveness for that one tap root… the stem and surface roots still remain.. WE have not asked HIM to forgive us of those very different acts of SIN..
Messiah even gave example ~
HE said those plants that my father have not planted will be rooted out.. Matthew 15:13
These are roots of curses and sin so when we repent of those iniquities and those transgressions along with the sins that we do… Yehueh/Yahweh – uproots it completely HE will pull it all out!! We need to be doing this daily, just as we need Yehshua Messiah DAILY because we daily break HIS Law daily. His word is true and if you break it there are curses due to you so we still need to repent for that iniquity in order to keep those things uprooted out of us so that we don’t have curse come upon us!
(PLEASE see my teaching in the studies section about sin, transgression, iniquity – not the same – very different in meaning and actions.)

The Bible says, “Let everyone who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity” (2 Timothy 2:19). That is the same word: lawlessness.” If there is no knowledge of sin—and Paul says, “I had not known sin but by the law” (Romans 7:7)—then there is no understanding that we have sinned against God and there will be no vertical repentance. Without repentance there is no salvation.
~ E