What I love most about David was his love for Yehueh.
What was it about David that Yehueh would describe him as “a man after Yah’s own heart?”
I believe it was his love and willingness to humble himself before Yehueh..
Even though David sinned; even though he made mistakes… David heart was to serve Yehueh’s Will
“I have sinned against my Elohim” (2 Samuel 12:13)
His concern was his relationship with Yehueh.
David sinned and admitted it. But he didn’t stop right there. David went further and did something about it. He sought reconciliation. David wanted to be upright before Yehueh. He knew that sin separated him from Yah. It grieved him that he had broken his relationship with Yehueh and he would do anything to fix it.
David’s Spirituality
David loved what Yehueh loved. He was burdened by what burdened Yehueh. David’s priority was living his life for Yehueh but he didn’t just talk about living for Yah; he put his faith into action in his life. He tried to listen and obey Yah in most areas of his life. When Yehueh confronted him with his sin, David took steps to change and repented of his sin. Bottom line: David’s heart was sensitive to the things of Yehueh.
“For the eyes of Yehueh ELOHIM, move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those who’s heart is completely His…” – 2 Chronicles 16:9
Do you want to be a woman described as “a woman after Yehueh’s own heart?” Then give your heart completely over to Yehueh. Love what He loves, hate what He hates, hurt when He hurts, and rejoice over what He rejoices over.
Make Him your first priority. Your first love.
Years of tending sheep and being the youngest in a family of boys taught David to be humble. He wasn’t his father’s first pick. He wasn’t Samuel’s first choice. But he was Abba’s. In David, Yehueh saw a young man who had a servant’s heart: one who faithfully served in the fields tending sheep; one willing to run errands back and forth to his brothers on the battle lines. David faithfully served and helped those who didn’t appreciate it.
David wasn’t out to make a name for himself, but when the time arose he also wasn’t about to allow Yah’s name to be trampled on and disgraced. David learned to be humble when he needed to be humble but he also learned Yah’s given strength out in those lonely fields. He knew when to take a stand and had the courage to do so.
David’s Integrity
“From the care of the ewes with suckling lambs He brought him,
To shepherd Jacob His people,
And Israel His inheritance.
So he shepherded them according to the integrity of his heart,
And guided them with his skillful hands.” – Psalm 78:71-72
Integrity – what we do when nobody’s watching. David is described as having integrity of heart. Remember, Yehueh doesn’t look at the outward appearance, He looks at our hearts. (1 Samuel 16:7)
The more and more we learn about David we see that we don’t have to be women who are perfect, who are sinless, and who have our acts all together. Yehueh is looking for a willing heart. Women who want to serve Him in whatever “field” He is calling them to. Women whose hearts are His – giving Him access to the good and the bad so that He can do a mighty work first IN them and then THROUGH them for His glory!
Let’s pray..
Abba Father, In the name of Yehshua, I ask that you forgive me of all my sins, transgressions, and Iniquities.. create a right Spirit within me, one that is pleasing and steadfast in Your sight..
Abba, I come before Your throne of grace and mercy to ask that You help me to be humble. Father, I know you said in Your Word to “humble yourself” as it has to be my own will and you won’t do it for me.. show me Father how to humble myself, teach me so that I may present my heart before that you may do your will in my life.. Cause me to resist pride, jealousy or boastful gestures toward those around me. Quicken my Spirit when I fail so that I may repent quickly. Cause my heart to be filled with Your love, joy, peace and happiness for my fellow men. Cause me to be kind, gentle, forgiving, and truthful. I cast out every evil Spirit in my life that will hinder all that I have asked You, right now in Yehshua’s Name! It shall not prevail, in Yehshua’s Name! HalleluYeh!
Mold me into a better person daily, Abba Father, as You walk beside me through life’s journey. Shape me into who I am meant to be according to Your Will..
I will humble myself before you for you are The Great I am, the Alpha and Omega the Beginning and the End. Before you I will bow, for You alone deserve all the praise and all the glory, there is None like You, Father.. in All the Earth!
In Yehshua’s Might Name, I am set free from pride that binds me! Amein!