For it was fitting for Him, for whom are all things and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons to glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings. (Hebrews 2:10)
People tend tend not to notice the depth of what “He bore our shame” means …
Was He was naked on the cross?
Yes.. It’s the one part no one talks about but it’s crucial to understanding what Yeshua did for us on the cross..
Luke 23:34 Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.
John 19:23 When the soldiers had crucified Jesus, they took his garments and divided them into four parts, one part for each soldier; also his tunic.
In many ways, the fact that artists have typically covered Yehshua up while hanging on the stake has done a disservice to our perception of His scope of atonement. We are used to seeing Him, battered and bloody, yes, but at least with a shred of decency left and a towel wrapped around His midsection.
One of the often forgotten aspects of the crucifixion is the shame associated with this form of death. When the soldiers shoved the crown of thorns on Yehshua’s head, they mocked Him by saluting Him, bowing down to Him, spitting on Him, and sarcastically calling Him “King of the Jews” (Mark 15:18-19). Imagine the scene. One soldier strikes Yehshua’s head, driving in the thorns another half-inch. Another bows, another salutes, and still others watch the scene, crowing cruelly. Then a few soldiers strip off His robe (Mark 15:20). The jeers don’t stop there; they persist to the stake, until His final breath. Even there, our Eloah and Savior wasn’t safe from the continuous mocking of Jewish leaders, passers-by, and even those with whom He was crucified (Mark 15:29-32).
The crucifixion was a dramatic picture of exposure, nakedness, and shame. On the stake, Yehshua became our substitute, enduring our sin’s divine judgment. The one worthy of all honor entered into the deepest place of shame—guilt before a Holy God. The one clothed with eternal glory and love from the Father experienced our shame.
He bore our shame so that we might share His glory. Some of us have backgrounds of which we are ashamed—filled with things we have never fully gotten over, events that haunt and disturb us. These negative thoughts and painful memories hinder those moments when we want to worship and praise Yehueh.
When I think about our Messiah, innocent, chosing to hang on that tree, I feel broken, undeserving, and, at times, ashamed. Yet that which breaks me also equips me to deal with my own shame from my past.. In Messiah Yehshua, our advocate before Yehueh, we are already exposed. He knew all and willfully walked out every aspect of the stake for us. The cleansing of our shame has already come true: you are fully, completely, exhaustively, and perfectly known by your Substitute. The battle is over. The bomb has detonated. The rumor has made its rounds. The truth has been uncovered. Yehshua bore your shame, and now He covers YOU in His perfect righteousness! In Him, there is a covering—for the Forgiveness of sin, and shame.. and it is perfect.
He is perfect.