Yehueh Himself Became The Son! Yehueh the Creator became Christ/Messiah the Son! Two gospels are being taught, one is that Yehueh Himself done everything including creating heaven and earth and came in the flesh to save man who was created is in His Image and likeness, and
Read more →There are 3 Distinct Categories of Days Torah observers very astutely (and correctly) say that when the words Commandments, Statutes, and Judgments appear in the same passage of Scripture that they cannot be referring to the same thing. These are the three separate divisions in Yehueh’s codified
Read more →HEBREW WORD SABBATH =TAKE A WALK WITH YEHUEH. SABBATH – שבת Shin Beth Taw Exodus 20:8-10: “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. (9) Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:(10) But the seventh day [is] the Sabbath of Yehueh thy Elohim: [in
Read more →I received this email from a viewer and thought it would be a blessing to many more!! A special thanks to G.H for allowing me to share with you all! I would begin with, this short study will require a certain level of concentration. Please pray
Read more →It is Sunday morning. Minister Johnson climbs onto the podium, turns to Romans 10:4, and proclaims good news by announcing, “The Savior paid it all. We are free from those Old Testament regulations and now are under grace through faith alone!” Many in nominal worship today
Read more →What does the Bible teach about the Ten Commandments? How am I supposed to live? Do I really have to ONLY keep the Ten Words? The Old Testament is full of Commands, what do I do about them? Are “they” truly nailed? Let’s get started looking
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