Thank you Brother Arnold for the additional Proof you’ve provided!


This amazing discovery takes the guesswork out of how to count to Pentecost by conclusively proving from Scripture that the numbering of the 50 days begins on the morrow AFTER the seventh Sabbath complete, (Leviticus 23:16) instead of numbering from the wave sheaf. By doing this, it places Pentecost at the end of the FOURTH month instead of the beginning of the THIRD month.

Did you know that there is not even a THIRD month FEAST OF ANY KIND found in Scripture But there is in the fourth month? WOW!

Did you know that there is not even a conclusive WHEAT HARVEST or harvest of any kind in the THIRD month found in Scripture But there is in the fourth month? WOW!

Did you know that the law that was written with the finger of YHWH was not given to Moses until the END OF THE FOURTH MONTH which is 50 days AFTER the seventh Sabbath complete? WOW!

Did you know that Pentecost was one of the three major Pilgrim feasts that were called Chags in the Hebrew, where the children of Israel were commanded to travel up to Jerusalem each year and there is not even a Chag found in Scripture in the THIRD month but there is in the fourth month? WOW!

Did you know that there is Historical evidence of EYEWITNESSES of people who lived at the same time of our Saviour and the Apostles, keeping Pentecost 50 days AFTER the seventh Sabbath complete? WOW!

Did you know that Acts chapters 20 and 21 shows that it is a MATHEMATICAL CERTAINTY that the Apostle Paul and thousands of believing Jews were keeping Pentecost BEYOND the traditional 50 day count? WOW! WOW! WOW! See Scripture where the apostle Paul and thousands of believing Israelites observed Pentecost beyond the traditional 50 day count at Paul’s Pentecost at

Did you know that the Children of Israes kept Pentecost on the day that the Law was given and they called it a Chag/Feast to YHWH and it was exactly 50 days AFTER the 7th Sabbath? WOW!

Did you know that in light of all of this, along with the evidence that I am going to produce in this book, people will still keep their tradition of Pentecost in the THIRD month? WOW!

Did you know that what you do not know can DESTROY you? Hosea 4:6 says my people are DESTROYED for lack of knowledge. WOW!

Did you know that if we reject knowledge, that He will reject us? This is also found in Hosea 4:6 i.e. if we do not know something or have no knowledge of it we are damned and if we reject the knowledge that is presented to us we are damned. Did you know it is our duty to search out a matter, and if we do not well held accountable? WOW!

Having said that I will conclusive prove that Leviticus 23:16 should be understood the count to Pentecost is 50 days AFTER the seventh Sabbath complete, NOT 50 days after the wave sheaf!

Here are some of my notes on what the Scripture teaches is the true count to Pentecost which is 50 days “after” the 7th Sabbath complete, not 50 days after the wave sheaf or 1st Sabbath.

Lev-23:16 “Even unto the morrow “after” the seventh sabbath shall ye number fifty days; and ye shall offer a new meat offering unto YHWH” If you have Questions and wish to talk, my number is (770) 483-8542
Below is an abundance of evidence from scripture and nature that conclusively proves a later Pentecost. Go to and you will see that even Nature Proves the 4th month Pentecost. Go to and see that it is MATHEMATICALLY IMPOSSIBLE for the children of Israel to have reached Mount Sinai in time for the traditional third month Pentecost.

Some had asked the question, doesn’t Acts 1:5 favorite the traditional count to Pentecost? At first glance it does, but in reality it actually disproves the traditional count to Pentecost!

Below are some of my notes on the subject.

“Until the day in which the Messiah was taken up, after he had given Commandments unto the apostles whom he had chosen, and to whom [the apostles] he also showed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs, being seen of them 40 days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of the Almighty: [Acts 1:2–3].”

This raises a major question, were there any other days [in addition to the 40] that he was not seen of them, before he was taken up???

The answer to the above question is yes!

There were over 10 days in which he was not seen of them, in addition to the 40 days, and this makes the traditional Pentecost impossible because when you add over 10 days that he was NOT seen of the apostles, to the 40 days that he was seen of them, you have over 50 days, not even counting the days in which he told them to go tarry at Jerusalem until they receive power from on high!

In John 20:19 was the first time he appeared to the apostles, but Thomas was not with them, the second time was AFTER EIGHT days before he was seen of them again, John 20:26, and the THIRD time was at least five days after this, counting at least four days for the journey from Jerusalem to the sea of Tiberius, and the day that they fished all night to the next morning, before they seen him acts 21:1 through verse 14.

Many days had passed before they seen him the third time at the sea of Tiberius, Acts 21:14

This all proves that the traditional Pentecost theory of numbering 1 day AFTER the seventh Sabbath instead of 50 days after the seventh Sabbath according to Leviticus 23:16, is impossible. Remember Pentecost means 50 not 1.

At any rate the following reveals that there were at least 12 days during which the apostles did not see him after his resurrection and when you add these 12 days to the 40 days that they did see him is a total of 52 days which is beyond the traditional Pentecost count and they still had to go to Jerusalem and tarry for the Holy Spirit that they were to receive not many days hence or after that, Acts 1:5. I have more on this in another thread.

INTRODUCTION If someone wanted to argue Pentecost in the third month, would it be asking too much for them to produce ONE scripture supporting a wheat harvest in the 3rd month “springtime”??? After all that is what Pentecost is, first fruits of the wheat harvest. Would it be asking too much to show where there was even a Feast in the 3rd month???
Leviticus 23:16 can be understood two ways, the traditional way is to count 50 days from the wave sheaf of the barley harvest, and another way it can be understood is to count 50 days from the morrow “after” the seventh Sabbath. To prove which understanding is correct, we must turn to nature and other Scripture other than the one in question. Also see positive proof under Pentecost count at which also shows The Law was given in 4th month

We know that Pentecost has to do with the wheat harvest and I challenge someone to show where there is a wheat harvest, mentioned in the Scripture, for a 3rd month Pentecost.

If someone can find a Winter wheat harvest in scriptures or a feast/Chag in the THIRD month, then there is at least a 50-50 chance that the 50 days after the wave sheaf could possibly be right, OTHERWISE IT IS NOT EVEN AN OPTION.

The reason I say 50-50 chance is because we definitely have a conclusive pinpointed “summer” wheat harvest in the 4th month which is found over and over throughout the Scriptures and we also have a conclusive feast/Chag mentioned in the fourth month, and therefore it could be understood either way if someone can find a Winter wheat harvest or a feast/Chag in the third month, then they could argue it was 50 days after the barley sheaf/Winter wheat harvest, and we could argue that it is 50 days after the seventh Sabbath complete, which would be a summer wheat harvest. In other words if someone can produce scripture for harvesting wheat in the spring, instead of summer, then it could go either way but until someone finds a conclusive Winter wheat harvest or a feast/Chag in the third month, IT IS NOT EVEN AN OPTION. We must prove what the Scripture in Leviticus 23:16 is speaking of. Now “if” they were no summer wheat harvest found in Scripture and you had plenty of Winter wheat harvests found in Scripture, and “if” there was a third month feast/Chag then the obvious understanding would be to count 50 days after the barley wave sheaf for the winter wheat harvest and a third month Pentecost. Simple. On the other hand if there is no Winter wheat harvest mentioned in Scripture, (and there’s not) and there’s no third month feast/Chag mentioned in Scripture, then the obvious conclusion is to begin the 50 day count from the morrow after the seventh Sabbath complete and then bring the new meat offering from the summer wheat, the only wheat spoken of in scriptures. Simple

Below you will read many Scripture which will harmonize with counting 50 days “after” the seventh Sabbath, not after the wave sheaf, such as when Aaron made proclamation of a Pilgrim feast/CHAG which was 50 days after the seventh Sabbath complete and the only Pilgrim Feast this could have been was Pentecost because it was in the fourth month when Aaron proclaimed this. There is no CHAG found in the 3rd month for the traditional Pentecost.

All Scriptures that I have found is referring to “summer” wheat which is sowed in the 1st month and reaped in the 4th.

Winter wheat takes 7 months to harvest and our Saviour say’s are there not 4 months then cometh the harvest, refering to summer wheat. This also explains why the wheat was not distroyed in the 1st month in Egypt, because it had not came up yet.

We can prove many wheat harvests in the “summer”, throughout the Scriptures, but is there one shred of evidence for a wheat harvest in the “spring”? The answer is no, so there is no Scriptural wheat harvest in the spring, so it must be understood that Pentecost is counted from the morrow “after” the seventh Sabbath/intermission, instead of from the wave sheaf it’s self.

All the males were commanded to appear before YHWH three times in the year, these three feasts centered around the three major harvests. The first one is Unleavened Bread/barley harvest, which takes place in the “springtime”, or Spring feast, then the second one takes place in the “summer”, at the summer wheat harvest called Pentecost or summer harvest, the first fruits of the summer wheat harvest is offered, not Winter wheat which is harvested in the “spring”, two weeks after the barley, and is still in the spring season.

Every where in Scripture and history from Josephus and Philo who lived at the time of these harvest, wheat was always a summer harvest. Study these EXAMPLES closely.

#1. In the book of Josephus it tells how that it was “Summer” time when the fruit of the land being almost ripe enough for reaping that Samson set fire to the fruit of the land i.e. “wheat” and grapes etc. and in the book of Judges it plainly tells that it was in the time of wheat harvest when Samson done this. Read the following from Josephus and the book of Judges.


7. (295) At this injurious treatment Samson was so provoked that he resolved to punish all the Philistines, as well as her; so it being then “summer” time, and the fruits of the land being almost ripe enough for reaping, he caught three hundred foxes, and joining lighted torches to their tails, he sent them into the fields of the Philistines, by which means the fruits of the fields perished.

In the book of Judges Chapter 15:5 it says:

“1But it came to pass within a while after, in the “time” of “wheat” harvest that Samson visited his wife with a kid; and he said, I will go in to my wife into the chamber. But her father would not suffer him to go in. 2And her father said, I verily thought that thou hadst utterly hated her; therefore I gave her to thy companion: is not her younger sister fairer than she? take her, I pray thee, instead of her. 3And Samson said concerning them, Now shall I be more blameless than the Philistines, though I do them a displeasure. 4And Samson went and caught three hundred foxes, and took firebrands, and turned tail to tail, and put a firebrand in the midst between two tails. 5And when he had set the brands on fire, he let them go into the standing “corn” of the Philistines, and burnt up both the shocks, and also the standing “corn”, with the ”vineyards and “olives”.

In other words the time of wheat harvest is in the summer, NOT spring. This proves that this wheat harvest is speaking of “summer” wheat harvest and not spring harvest of winter wheat. Josephus knew enough about how many foxes etc. because he knew the Scriptures, wonder why he didn’t know that the wheat harvest was in the spring instead of summer? Or maybe he knew that wheat harvest in his time was in the Summer and not Spring. You Judge and remember the people knew about farming in those days, and to say whether he was a Pharisee or Sadducee makes no difference concerning the harvest and nature.

The following quote from Josephus also proves the wheat was Summer wheat and not Winter wheat

1. (323) In the meantime Herod’s affairs in Judea were in an ill state. He had left his brother Joseph with full power, but had charged him to make no attempts against Antigonus till his return;for that Macheras would not be such an assistant as he could depend on, as it appeared by what he had done already; but as soon as Joseph heard that his brother was at a very great distance, he neglected the charge he had received, and marched towards Jericho with five cohorts, which Macheras sent with him. This movement was intended for seizing on the corn, as it was now in the midst of “summer;”

Notice the last verse of this quote. This is found in Josephus under:


This next quote which lists the 4 seasons, proves they were known back then: Philo, On The Creation

“And in addition to the four elements the seasons of the year are also four, which are the “causes” of the “generation” of animals and “plants”, the year being divided into the quadruple division of winter, and “spring”, and “summer”, and “autumn”.
XVII. (53) The aforesaid number therefore being accounted worthy”

Notice he says these four seasons Winter, and Spring, and Summer, and Autumn, are cause of the generation of animals and “plants”

In other words you have three harvest feasts each year, barley in the spring, wheat in the summer, and the annual fruits of the trees etc. in the autumn.

I have heard the argument that all harvest was Summer time, but that is not acceptable because Josephus says, “And in addition to the four elements the seasons of the year are also four, which are the “causes” of the “generation” of animals and “plants”, the year being divided into the quadruple division of winter, and “spring”, and “summer”, and “autumn”.

Bottom line is someone should have a Scripture or some kind of proof that there is a spring wheat harvest instead of a summer wheat harvest to support their 50 day count after the wave sheaf instead of 50 days after the seventh Sabbath complete for Pentecost.

I can give many Scriptures and history from people that lived at this time that there is a summer wheat harvest which would have to be 50 days after the seventh Sabbath instead of 50 days after the first Sabbath.

50 days after the first Sabbath can only produce a spring wheat harvest and 50 days after the seventh Sabbath can only produce a summer wheat harvest. Which one does the Scripture teach? We know what tradition of men teaches.

It says in the book of Nehemiah Chapter 13:15: In those days saw I in Judah some treading “wine presses” on the Sabbath, and bringing in “sheaves”, and lading asses; as also wine, grapes, and figs, and all manner of burdens, which they brought into Jerusalem on the Sabbath day: and I testified against them in the day wherein they sold victuals.

Nehemiah saw men treading grapes in these wine presses and the grapes are not ripe until summer therefore the sheaves they were bringing in had to be summer sheaves NOT spring sheaves. The Winter wheat is gone by this time and so was springtime!

Our Saviour says that after four months comes the harvest. This has to be speaking of the summer wheat harvest which matures in four months after sowing. It is sown in the first month Abib/spring and is reaped in the fourth month/summer which is seven Sabbaths plus 50 days and then you can bring a first fruit from it, therefore it is summer fruit. This is why the hail did not destroy the wheat in Egypt because it had not come up yet because it was planted in the first month. In John 4: 35 it says:

“say not ye ., there are yet four months then cometh the harvest”

The traditional Winter wheat is at least 6 or 7 months to harvest and not four months to harvest as our Saviour said, and therefore He was referring to the summer wheat harvest, and as I have said, winter wheat can NOT be pinpointed in scripture and therefore is not even an option for Pentecost wheat.

John-12:24 says,24…..“Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of “wheat” fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit. 25He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal. ….27Now is my soul troubled; and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour: but for this cause came I unto this hour. …..32And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. 33This he said, signifying what death he should die”.

There is no doubt He is comparing Himself with a corn of wheat and how it must die to bring forth fruit. The fruit of his dying was the Spirit being poured out on the day of Pentecost. It takes 4 months, or 50 days after 7 Sabbaths for a corn of wheat to produce fruit, John 4: 35, therefore the fruit of the Holy Spirit was not 50 days after his death!

Once again a corn of wheat can NOT bring forth fruit, or a harvest in 50 days and I cannot picture our Saviour using an untrue analogy or typology. He was buried in the 1st month, same as summer wheat is planted, and a harvest of soles was reaped 50 days AFTER 7 Sabbaths plus 50 days.

It was the same time that the Law was given to Moses. Also it was when Aaron used the word CHAG, which is only used for Pilgrim feast, and it was in the Summer time and it was 50 days after the seventh Sabbath, the same day that the Law was given on Mount Sinai. Ex-32:5 and Ex-31:18.

Philo says that the harvest comes after the grapes are ripe and the grapes are not ripe until summer. He also tells of some men that was keeping a prelude or fore feast of the greatest feast i.e. Pentecost, 50 days after the wave sheaf. That means that the morrow after the 7th Sabbath is NOT Pentecost, but a fore feast or start of the 50 day count to Pentecost.

He also says that wheat was the last of all” the grains that are sowed in the field to ripen and come to harvest. This was Pentecost wheat that he was referring to, and it has to be summer wheat to ripen last, after winter wheat. Philo SPECIAL LAWS, 11 (186)

The wheat harvest and Tabernacles are to be observed at the years end/turning (Ex34:22) and that does not happened until June 21. (after the traditional Pentecost) In other words you have a turning March 21 and then keep Passover, in the Spring and you have another turning June 21st and you keep Pentecost, in the Summer and then you have another turning September 21 in the days of Tabernacles, in the Fall.

If you try to keep the traditional Pentecost in the third month/June 6, it is not at the year’s end or turning, which happens on June 21. and it is not in harmony with Torah Law. When they came into the land they were to reap the harvest thereof/barley, wave sheaf, count seven sabbaths/intermissions complete, number 50 days, then bring a new meat offering from “their” labors that “they” sowed in the field i.e. wheat.

In other words if they sowed the summer wheat in the first month when they came into the land they could reap a harvest for a first fruit 50 days after the seventh Sabbath from their labors which they sowed in the field, but NOT in 50 days from the time they sowed, for nature will not allow the wheat to mature in 50 days. Ex-23:16 There is so much proof supporting the count should began 50 days after the seventh Sabbath instead of 50 days after the first Sabbath.

Bottom line is, can anyone locate a “spring” wheat harvest for a 3rd month Pentecost? If not, maybe it is not there and is only a tradition of men.

Here are a few Scriptures to support the summer fruit/wheat harvest: Proverbs 10:5
“5He that gathereth in SUMMER is a wise son: but he that sleepeth in “HARVEST” is a son that causeth shame.”

Notice summer and harvest is synonymous.

Proverbs 26:1

“1As snow in “Summer”, and as rain in “Harvest”, so honour is not seemly for a fool.”

Again summer and harvest is synonymous.

Isaiah 16:9

“9Therefore I will bewail with the weeping of Jazer the vine of Sibmah: I will water thee with my tears, O Heshbon, and Elealeh: for the shouting for thy “SUMMER” fruits and for thy HARVEST is fallen (some of harvest not spring harvest). 10And gladness is taken away, and joy out of the plentiful field;and in the VINEYARDS there shall be no singing, neither shall there be shouting: the treaders shall tread out no WINE in their presses; I have made their vintage shouting to cease.”

Notice here the summer fruits of the harvest AND the wine are connected.

Isaiah 17: 5-6

“5And it shall be as when the HARVESTMAN gathereth the corn, and reapeth the ears with his arm; and it shall be as he that gathereth ears in the VALLEY of Rephaim.

6Yet “Gleaning Grapes” shall be left in IT (Valley), as the shaking of an olive tree, two or three berries in the top of the uppermost bough, four or five in the outmost fruitful branches thereof, saith YHWH the Mighty One of Israel”.

Notice here, the harvest men gather the wheat in the Valley and what’s left of the grapes they left in the Valley which proves the grapes were ripe before the harvest as Philo says; they just didn’t go back and GLEAN them.

Isaiah 18:4-6

4For so the MASTER said unto me, I will take my “rest”, and I will consider in my dwelling place like a clear heat upon herbs, and like a cloud of dew in the “heat of harvest.” 5For “afore” the harvest, when the bud is perfect and the sour grape is” ripening” in the flower,

The Tanach reads, ” for the said YHWH to me: I will be at ease and I will look after my place of Foundation; like crisp warmth after the rain, like a mist in the “heat” of the harvest. For “before” “the” harvest, when the flower is finished and the bud turns to “grapes approaching ripeness,”

Notice here that this is speaking of a summer wheat harvest and says “before” the harvest the grapes are approaching ripeness”. The Grapes Are Not Approaching Ripeness in the springtime.

The phrase “THE harvest” not a harvest of wheat seems to imply that there was only one major wheat harvest and that was in the summer which rules out any possibility of counting only one day after the seventh Sabbath complete.

“6They shall be left together unto the fowls of the mountains, and to the beasts of the earth: and the fowls shall” “Summer” upon them, and all the beasts of the earth shall winter upon them. 7In that time shall “the present” be brought unto YHWH of hosts of a people scattered and peeled, and from a people terrible from their beginning hitherto; a nation meted out and trodden under foot, whose land the rivers have spoiled, to the place of the name YHWH of hosts, the mount Zion”.

I believe “the present” that is spoken of here is the first fruit of the summer wheat harvest because it shows that the present/first fruit is brought during the summer. The above and nature demands an understanding of Leviticus 23:16 to mean 50 days after the seventh Sabbath complete.

Jeremiah 8: 20

“20The harvest is past, the “summer” is ended, and we are not saved.”

This verse shows that the harvest was in the summer NOT “Spring” because it does not say the harvest is past and spring is ended. Proven once again it is a summer harvest not Spring harvest.

Jeremiah 40: 10 -12
“10As for me, behold, I will dwell at Mizpah to serve the Chaldeans, which will come unto us: but ye, gather ye “WINE”, and SUMMER FRUIT, and oil, and put them in your vessels, and dwell in your cities that ye have taken. 11Likewise when all the Jews that were in Moab, and among the Ammonites, and in Edom, and that were in all the countries, heard that the king of Babylon had left a remnant of Judah, and that he had set over them Gedaliah the son of Ahikam the son of Shaphan; 12Even all the Jews returned out of all places whither they were driven, and came to the land of Judah, to Gedaliah, unto Mizpah, and gathered WINE AND SUMMER FRUITS VERY MUCH.”

Notice the wine/grapes and the summer fruit/wheat is in the summer time and not the springtime. By the way in Jeremiah 39:2 it explains that this was in the fourth month when the people harvested these crops. For more information you may call or write to:
Bro. Arnold Bowen
3466 Hightower Tr.
Conyers, Georgia 30012 Or call (770) 483-8542
Email to: See layout of count to Pentecost at

TWO Wheat Harvests in Israel
The Jewish Rabbis recognize that there is ANOTHER wheat harvest in Israel, that comes 50 days AFTER the traditional wheat harvest. The following shows several Rabbis instructing the people not to eat any wheat from this SECOND wheat harvest because the grain is considered NEW GRAIN or, as they call it, chodosh grain. They instruct the people to save the spring wheat/new grain — which is harvested in the summer — until the following year.

You would think they would recognize that YHWH God instructed Israel that the firstfruits for Pentecost would be from the NEW GRAIN, yet they use old grain from the previous year.

The Spring Wheat Harvest Creates a Huge Dilemma for Jewish Rabbis

There’s none so blind as he whom the Almighty has blinded, and he that refuses to see.

The following will show just how blind some people are, and show more evidence that the Pentecost NEW meat/grain offering had to be from the SPRING WHEAT which is harvested in the summer — 50 days AFTER the seventh Sabbath (Leviticus 23:16).

We all know, or should know, that Leviticus 23 teaches that a NEW meat offering — NOT an OLD one — is to be brought to YHWH God from the wheat harvest. The blinded Jews bring an OLD meat offering for the traditional Pentecost, as you will see shortly.

Notice what the King James Version of the Bible says —

“Even unto the morrow after the seventh sabbath shall ye number fifty days; and ye shall offer a NEW meat [grain]-offering unto the LORD” (Leviticus 23:16).

The Rabbis teach that SPRING WHEAT — that which is planted in the spring and reaped four months later in the summer — cannot be eaten until the following year because it is considered chodosh/NEW grain/meat. Not realizing that YHWH commanded the NEW GRAIN OFFERING (which would be from the Pentecost wheat and therefore the spring wheat that is harvested in the summer) to be the true Pentecost wheat, they blindly teach an early Pentecost (Shavuot) in the Hebrew month of Sivan. They believe that anything planted during or after Passover cannot be eaten until after the next Passover wave sheaf has been waved.

According to this belief, the traditional Pentecost winter wheat cannot fit the requirements of a NEW meat/grain offering because it is considered OLD grain/meat because it is planted in the fall, and took root before Passover. Therefore there is no way they can have a NEW grain offering of the wheat. And — unless their EYES are opened and they acknowledge the summer wheat harvest that produces the new grain Pentecost offering — they are simply following the traditions of men.

Even if they planted winter wheat, it would NOT be considered a NEW grain/meat offering because it was planted before the Vernal Equinox and, according to the Mishnah etc., it is considered old grain. The NEW grain/meat comes after Passover, in the summertime, and that is exactly what the Bible calls for but they are too blind to see because of their traditions.

Here is a comment by Rabbi Moshe, who condemns eating NEW GRAIN (spring wheat) until the following year when it becomes old grain:

“The same Torah which does not permit us to eat the meat of an animal that does not have split hooves or chew its cud, also does not permit us to eat from new grain harvest until the barley omer sacrifice was brought in the Bais Hamikdash on the second day of Pesach” (Rabbi Moshe Heinemann, Star-K Rabbinic Administrator).

The Prohibited Grain is Called Chodosh

According to A Guide to Chodosh by Yoseph Herman with the assistance of C. Rosskamm,

“Chodosh is defined in the Torah as including only grains in five categories: wheat, barley, oats, rye, and spelt. Any of these grains that took root before pesach become Yoshon after the second day of pesach. (According to some poskim this means that the planting has to occur not later than 3 days before the second day of pesach, others require 2 weeks before the second day of pesach.) If one of these grains missed this planting deadline, then it is considered as having been planted too late to be Yoshon for this year. This grain will be harvested several months later. From the time of its harvest (typically the July-August period) until the pesach of the following year, this grain is defined as Chodosh. This is the forbidden Chodosh grain, whose avoidance is the subject of this Guide.

“Note that only these five types of grain can be Chodosh. Other grains such as buckwheat, rice, corn, etc. never have the problem of Chodosh.

“There exist two kinds of crops: winter crops and spring crops. In the Northern Hemisphere (such as in America) winter crops are planted in the fall, remain in the ground though the winter (and more importantly for us, through pesach) to be harvested in the early summer. Since these crops were in the ground through pesach, by the time they are harvested they are Yoshon. In the USA, rye and spelt are both winter crops and are Yoshon (caution, “rye bread” contains wheat flour in addition to the rye and could thus be Chodosh). Spelt flour from Canada is also mostly Yoshon. However, rye or spelt products imported from elsewhere could be Chodosh.

“Spring crops in the USA are usually planted after pesach and are harvested towards the end of the summer. Therefore from the harvest until the following pesach they are Chodosh. In the USA most of the oats and barley are Chodosh until the pesach that follows the harvest. Wheat in the USA is grown as two distinct crops, winter wheat and spring wheat. These two wheats differ chemically. Winter wheat is Yoshon. Its chemical properties make it best for most cookies, crackers, pretzels, cakes, matzos and other baked products that are soft or crumbly. Thus the wheat ingredients in most of these products are Yoshon. The exception to this rule is a small part of the Far West USA, near Los Angeles, where the cake and cookie flours could contain some spring wheat. Other exceptions include some “heimishe” brands of cookies, which use spring wheat flours. Spring wheat is used for most breads, challehs, and pasta products such as noodles, macaroni and spaghetti. Therefore these items may be Chodosh from approximately the end of the summer until pesach.”

What, then, constitutes chodosh grain? Grain that was planted close to, during, or after Passover, thereby taking root after the time of the omer sacrifice, is not permitted to be eaten until the following Passover. This grain is called chodosh, literally, “new grain.” One observes chodosh by not eating food products containing chodosh grain.

Grain that has taken root before Passover, even if it is harvested after Passover, is permitted to be eaten immediately, without restriction. This grain is called yoshon, literally, “old grain.” When a yoshon designation appears on a label, it means that yoshon grains are used in the preparation of this product.

The prohibition of chodosh only applies to the chameishes minei dagan — the five major grain types, namely wheat, oats, barley, rye, and spelt.

Winter wheat is planted in the late fall or early winter and is harvested in the late spring or early summer. Since winter wheat is planted before Passover and is harvested after Passover, it is always yoshon. Spring wheat is planted in the spring and is harvested in the late summer or early fall. Since spring wheat is usually planted after Passover, one must wait until the following Passover before the spring wheat becomes yoshon. Since the spring wheat, which is chodosh, reaches the market-place at summer’s end, chodosh restrictions begin at the end of the summer and last until the following Passover. Once the second day of Passover passes, the prohibited chodosh grains are halachically transformed into yoshon grains and are permitted to be eaten. From after Passover until the end of the summer all chodosh related problems cease.

Spring wheat is a high gluten, high protein variety, similar to hard red winter wheat. The protein of spring wheat is even higher than that of hard red winter wheat, and is also used for bread dough. Soft white wheat is a soft wheat used for cakes, cookies, and crackers.

One may assume that products made from soft red winter wheat are always yoshon. One should assume other products, such as bread, bagel dough, and yeast cakes, are chodosh.

There is an opinion that chodosh restrictions apply only to grain grown in the land of Israel. Another opinion asserts that chodosh applies only to the grain of a Jewish person. However, the majority of Poskim (rabbis who decide Jewish law and custom) agree that chodosh still applies today to all grains grown “IN” and outside of the land of Israel, belonging to Jew or non-Jew alike.

One web site says,

“Chodosh — the new crop of grain (spring wheat). Originally, chodoshwas forbidden by the Torah until after Pesach (when it is then called yoshon, the old crop). Its status today outside of Israel is open to various opinions. Actual chodosh grain is prohibited even outside of Israel, but with the double doubt as to whether a product is made from winter or spring wheat and whether that spring wheat is from this year’s crop or last year’s, many authorities are lenient outside of Israel. All kashrus agencies require yoshon status for products of Israel”(

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia at read,

“In Judaism, Yoshon (Hebrew: éùï ; “old [grain]”) is a concept within Kashrut (the Jewish dietary regulations), based on the Biblical requirement not to eat any chodosh — grain of the new year (or products made from it) prior to the annual Omer offering on 16th Nisan. [1] In classical Rabbinic Judaism, this requirement was considered restricted to the five classical grains of Judaism — wheat, barley, oats, spelt, and rye; any of these grains that are too young to pass the requirement (and products made from them) are referred to in Judaism as Chodosh, meaning “new [grain].” Additionally, the Rabbinic interpretation requires grain to have taken root prior to the omer offering for it to become permitted; therefore, grains planted after Passover could only be consumed the following year.”

At and Jewish Rabbis are discussing the problem and referring to the Mishnah etc. to prove that everything harvested after Passover is NEW meat/grain unless it was planted and took root before Passover and then it is OLD grain/meat. The Bible teaches that A NEW MEAT [GRAIN] OFFERING is supposed to be made at Shavuot or Pentecost. Had the Rabbis not brought in another wheat harvest, they would not be having this dilemma. Also remember that Lamentation 2:6 teaches that YHWH would cause BOTH the Sabbaths AND feast days to be forgotten in Zion, and that is exactly what has happened. The key to the whole issue is to remember that there were and are TWO wheat harvests in Israel. The Jewish Rabbis teach that the SECOND wheat harvest is the NEW GRAIN of the year and therefore cannot be used until the next year.

ALL websites that discuss this issue show that it is the SECOND wheat harvest that produces the NEW GRAIN, not the first wheat harvest. The Bible connects Pentecost with the new grain offering — NOT the old grain!

Not only does Israel have winter and spring wheat but they also have winter and spring barley, oats, rye, etc. Winter wheat is sown in the fall and harvested in the spring, about two weeks after the winter Barley harvest. The spring wheat is sown in the spring and harvested in the summer about four months later — and this is the harvest found in Scripture for Pentecost wheat. We hope this information will help you to understand that there is a SECOND wheat harvest in Israel that is harvested about 50 days after the first wheat harvest — and goes almost completely unnoticed because of the traditions of men.

Muddied Waters

In order to hide their blind insistence of following the traditions and errors of their forbears (Matthew 23), the scribes muddied verse 15 and 16 of Leviticus 23 — seemingly ignoring the plain Hebrew words contained therein. Then, on top of all that, the English translators tried to argue that the Hebrew word unto/until/”AD”, supports counting 50 days from the wave sheaf instead of 50 days AFTER the seventh Sabbath, Leviticus 23:16. When you understand that there are TWO wheat harvests, one in the spring, about two weeks after the Barley harvest and one in the summer about 50 days after the one in the spring, it will better help you understand the word “UNTIL.”

Seeing as there are two types of wheat harvests and Pentecost is the firstfruits of wheat harvest — it is the duty of every serious truth seeker to find out which of these TWO wheat harvest was originally used for Pentecost. One of these wheat harvests takes place in the spring around the second and third month — and the other wheat harvest takes place in the summer around the fourth and fifth Hebrew months.

Leviticus 23:16 has been a major topic for those opposing the fourth month summer wheat harvest in favor of the winter wheat harvest which is sown in the fall and reaped in the springtime, about two weeks after Barley harvest. They focus on the Hebrew word for UNTIL and think that it supports their position — even though the only conclusive wheat harvest found in Scripture is in the summer, NOT spring.

If we were to number 50 days AFTER the seventh Sabbath complete, it would obviously bring us to a new meat offering of the summer wheat harvest, which is 50 days beyond the spring wheat harvest. But if we numbered ONE day after the seventh Sabbath complete it would obviously bring us to the spring wheat harvest. This is an absolute. The question is, how did ancient Israel number, one day, or 50 days after the seventh Sabbath complete, i.e., WHICH wheat harvest is the scripture referring to?

The Words “AD” and “Min”

It appears that most English translators, motivated by Jewish tradition and preconceived ideas stemming from the Catholic Whitsunday, failed to translate ONE little Hebrew word! What is that word? It’s the word “MIN.”

The beginning of verse 16, in the Hebrew, is “AD-MIN-MOCHORATH.” The word “MIN” is a preposition which, when combined with other words, means “FROM.”

The Hebrew word “AD” is a preposition, adverb or conjugation that has many uses for describing TIME, SPACE or DEGREE. Ignoring the word “MIN,” the translators render “AD” as “EVEN UNTO” — however there is a major problem with this! The phrase “EVEN UNTO” deals with SPACE, while all of the measurements in verse 16 — “the morrow,” “the seventh Sabbath,” and “fifty days” all deal with TIME, not SPACE! Therefore, the English translation for “AD” as “EVEN UNTO” is in error and CANNOT be correct since it deals with “SPACE” and not “TIME.”

According to the Koehler and Baumgartner Lexicon the word “AD” can have the following meanings:

“LATER IN THE FUTURE, count fifty days (AD has a future tense).

AND then count fifty days (AD can be a conjunction).

JUST BEFORE counting fifty days, count seven weeks.”

It would not be going out on a limb to state that this GROSS misapplication of “even unto” here has been very successful — albeit a deliberate deception to achieve the translator’s personal or traditional meaning for this critical passage. Every English translation — with the exception of the Ferrar Fenton translation — is CLEARLY based upon the KJV’s MISUSE of “even unto,” making it appear that the day following the seventh Sabbath is the terminus or ending point of the fifty-day count. This is in perfect keeping with the “count fifty” Pentecost interpretations that now dominate “Christendom” — including the unwilling and/or unwary Sabbatarians who should know better since they are always quoting I Thessalonians 5:21!

So HOW should the Hebrew of Leviticus 23:16 be CORRECTLY translated into English? Since the English translation for “AD” as “EVEN UNTO” is misapplied and cannot be correct since it deals with “space” instead of “time,” what definitions DO apply to the measuring of “time” in verse 16? They are as follows:

“Hebrew “AD” = English “DURING, WHILE and UNTIL.” Other general options for Heb. “AD” include: “AS, AND, AT, BY THAT, AS FAR AS, WHEN, WHILE and YET.”

But what if the Hebrew word for “FROM” was at the beginning of verse 16? If this was the case, it would be the STARTING POINT for the fifty-day count rather than the ending point. As we have already seen, the Hebrew word for “FROM” is indeed at the beginning of verse 16. While the word “AD” does NOT mean “FROM,” the word “MIN” DOES — and it is in the very beginning of verse 16 along with the word “AD”! Although the Hebrew word “MIN” is there in the Hebrew text, it has purposely been omitted from every English translation except the Ferrar Fenton version!

Notice how Fenton’s version translates verse 16 —

“THEN AFTER the seventh Sabbath, you shall count fifty days, when you shall present a NEW [grain] offering to the EVER-LIVING.”

The original Hebrew scriptures CLEARLY show that after counting seven Sabbaths (weeks) from the Wave Sheaf Offering, there is a SECOND NUMBERING of 50 days up unto the actual Feast of Shavuot. That second count of 50 days does NOT conclude, but rather COMMENCES on the morrow AFTER the seventh Sabbath. This places the feast of the WHEAT HARVEST at the very end of the fourth Hebrew month — right where it belongs in the middle of the SUMMER wheat harvest and at the beginning of the grape harvest, midway between the spring and fall harvest seasons.

Counting and Numbering

Bullinger’s Lexicon says “until as long as, marking the continuance of an action up to the time of another action.” We have an action of COUNTING seven Sabbaths even unto the morrow after the seventh Sabbath and then we have ANOTHER action of NUMBERING 50 days.

The first action is to COUNT the Sabbaths.

The second thing they were to do was to NUMBER 50 days.

The third thing they were to do was to bring a new meat offering.

They were not instructed to count seven Sabbaths complete and then bring a new meat offering. They were instructed to count seven Sabbaths complete up “unto” the day after the seventh Sabbath, and then they were instructed to number 50 days — but not until after they counted seven Sabbaths first. They were instructed to bring a new meat offering, but not until after they numbered 50 days which numbering began after the seventh Sabbath complete.

If the 50-day count were to begin from the wave sheaf, it would read, “even unto the morrow after the seventh Sabbath shall ye bring a new meat offering.” But YHWH does not say “ye shall bring a new meat offering after the seventh Sabbath” — it says “shall ye number fifty days”!

This is how we understood the words even before we saw the definition. You have an ACTION of COUNTING seven Sabbaths, even UNTO the morrow AFTER the seventh Sabbath and then ye have ANOTHER action to NUMBER 50 days; and then “ye shall offer a new meat offering unto the LORD.” If there was only ONE action of numbering from the wave sheaf, we believe the Scripture would read to number 50 days from the wave sheaf instead of 50 days from the morrow after the seventh Sabbath — but the first action is to COUNT seven Sabbaths and the second action is to NUMBER 50 days. Even if the morrow after the seventh Sabbath was included in the first count for the seven Sabbaths, which would make the seven Sabbaths inexact, it still teaches to number 50 days AFTER the seventh Sabbath because the Hebrew word for “shall” is ALWAYS future tense.

Adding to the above, the English word “SHALL” is ALWAYS future tense — and this goes along with the above. “Shall ye number fifty days,” in Leviticus 23:16, is future tense and, besides that, even unto the morrow after the seventh Sabbath complete is 49 days NOT 50, because if the word means up until a certain point — but not including that point — it would bring you to the beginning of the morrow after the seventh Sabbath was complete, which would not be 50 days. If the word meant up until a certain point and including that point, it would make the seventh Sabbath inexact — as the noted Hebrew scholar Rashi says in his commentary on this verse. We say the verse could be understood to count seven Sabbaths up until the morrow after the seventh Sabbath, and then INCLUDING the morrow after the seventh Sabbath “shall ye number fifty days” and then bring a new meat offering. Either way you want to look at it, the children of Israel understood it to be 50 days after the seventh Sabbath.

Remember, there is a difference between “counting” and “numbering.” Even though Strong’s Concordance uses the same number for both words, they are TWO different words in the Hebrew interlinear. There is also a difference between weeks and days. You can count seven cars and then count to 50 and then cross the street. You can count seven Sabbaths and then number 50 days and then bring the new meat offering to the Almighty. You do not count seven Sabbaths and then number ONE day, but you count seven Sabbaths and then number 50 days — not one day.

Scholars such as Rashi and Ferrar Fenton are in harmony with the chag that Aaron and the children of Israel proclaimed in Exodus 32:5 — which was 50 days after the seventh lunar Sabbath (Leviticus 23:16), which brings you to the summer wheat harvest.

Fenton’s translation is also in harmony with the NEW WINE that was present on the day of Pentecost in the second chapter of the book of Acts. As the prophet Joel prophesied in the second chapter of Joel, there are no ripe grapes in the third month, and neither is there a chag mentioned in the third month in the scenario of the traditional third month Pentecost. These scholars and some translations are also in harmony with the Pentecost summer wheat harvest in the FOURTH MONTH, mentioned by the Messiah at Passover-time in the book of John. Notice!

“Do you not say, ‘There are still FOUR MONTHS and then comes the harvest’?…” (John 4:35).

The scholars and translations we have mentioned are also in harmony with the many other things that we have covered in the discussion of Pentecost.

When all is said and done, it really doesn’t matter how the scholars understand the Hebrew word in Leviticus 23:16. What does matter is how the children of Israel understood it according to Exodus 32:5 — and how it is confirmed in nature itself.

Every count must have a beginning and ending point, and I think we all agree that the beginning point for the seven Sabbaths complete begins on the morrow after the Sabbath when the priest waves the wave sheaf. The question is, where does this count end and the next count begin? As we have shown above, there are two counts mentioned in Leviticus 23, and they were not to offer the new meat offering until “both” counts were completed. If we count seven Sabbaths complete and ”then” bring a new meat offering, we are partial in the Law, but if we count seven Sabbaths complete up unto the morrow after the seventh Sabbath and then number 50 days instead of one day and then bring the new meat offering, we have fulfilled the Law.

10 “Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When ye be come into the land which I give unto you, and shall reap the harvest thereof, then ye shall bring a sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest unto the priest: 11 And he shall wave the sheaf before the LORD, to be accepted for you: on the morrow after the sabbath the priest shall wave it.

15 “And ye shall COUNT unto you from the morrow after the sabbath, from the day that ye brought the sheaf of the wave-offering; seven sabbaths shall be complete: 16 Even unto the morrow after the seventh sabbath shall ye NUMBER fifty days; and ye shall offer a NEW meat-offering unto the LORD” (King James Version).

The first count goes up “even unto”/until the morrow after the seventh Sabbath and ends. The next count begins and goes for 50 days, and the text is understood as saying, “the morrow after the seventh sabbath shall ye number fifty days.” One reason it is to be understood this way is because the morrow after the seventh Sabbath is NOT included in the first count of the seven Sabbaths. The seven Sabbaths goes up until the morrow after and no further — and THEN “ye shall number fifty days” counting the morrow, and then you bring the new meat (grain) offering, and not before. In other words, the first count goes up to the morrow after the seventh Sabbath then stops — and then you NUMBER 50 days and bring a new meat (grain) offering after you number the 50th day.

The question is, when do we bring the new meat offering? Is it after we number 50 days? The answer is yes! But when do we began to number the 50 days? Do we number the 50 days from the morrow after the Nisan 15 Sabbath — the 16th? Or do we number the 50 days from the morrow AFTER the seventh Sabbath complete? Is it one day after the seventh Sabbath complete or is it after numbering 50 days after the seventh Sabbath complete? The Bible says, “until the morrow after the seventh sabbath shall ye number fifty days; and ye shall offer a new meat-offering unto the LORD” (Leviticus 23:16). How much plainer can it get? Most people don’t understand the Hebrew or English grammar. The children of Israel obviously understood it like it says, number 50 days AFTER the seventh Sabbath complete because they celebrated it exactly 50 days after the seventh lunar Sabbath according to Exodus 32:5. They were to celebrate the feast unto the One that brought them out of Egypt — but they celebrated it unto a golden calf instead, saying it was the one that brought them out of Egypt (Exodus 32:4).